In asking around for some great ideas for making crafts out of recycled items, one of my peeps over at Homespun Helpers gave me a link to this great idea she had. When your scented candles get down to their last vestiges, instead of tossing the whole thing thinking it’s done for, simply turn those candles into drawer fresheners! Head to Heather’s blog for the full details!
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Cute paper critters cuddle treats to give
Kitty, puppy, teddy and Koala which every you love (or all) you will want to make these cute paper animal treat wrappers. I love the way they “hug” all sorts of things like candies and pencils. Pop on over to the blog Lia Griffith for the pattern and tutorial on hoe to make cute animal treat cuddlers perfect for Valentine’s Day.
GJ Amber says
Drawer fresheners is a great idea except…when the temperature gets hot, they do get soft and will leave spots in your drawers and get on your clothes. Does this sound like the voice of experience? I do put them in the ash tray of my car. On a hot day when you open the car door, it smells great.