If you’re like me, you’ve got more memories of dance studios than classrooms from your growing up years. And while I may not miss the pointe shoes or the tens of thousands of leotards I had to own, I definitely miss the sound my tap shoes would make as I scraped them across the kitchen floor when I wasn’t supposed to have them on.
This great tap shoe necklace idea could help me with missing that sound, however! Love the unique use of something that most people would walk right past!
How did you go about making this neckalace? I love it, I’ve been takin tap for 14 years and would love to make on of those!!!
I would love to know how you made this? ? ? Ive been tapping since I was 3, and I would love to have a neckalace like this! ! !
cool! i compete and stuff for dance and this would be grate to give to some of my friends! really creative and a good use for old taps!