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How to make translucent paper
I recently unearthed my stamp collection and it it was an oversized stamp of an old fashion slide frame. So I went on the hunt for tutorials on how to make translucent images and I found this video on how to make Glassine paper on YouTube by Our Upcycled Life. Pop on over to the video to watch how to make translucent paper in a few ways.
Christine B. says
Daleks! Costumes! Steampunk! OMG – MUST HAVE!!!
Jaan L of Tx says
Love them all. Even to have just one book would make me crazy.
carmen says
These look awesome! I am a book lover with crafty genes….love them!:D
Pat K says
Great books! They are crafty and diverse!
Judy says
Uh, YES! All of these are must haves. Especially drawn to the Steampunk as well!!!
Monna Davies says
Oh Please. I must have. My friend and I would be in heaven.
Jessie says
Super great giveaway! Costumes! Steam punk! Food!
Sarah says
Oh! Pick me! Pick me!
robyn says
excellent giveaway!
Janice Rangel says
this is soooo awesome! me me me!
Kelly C says
How wonderful!! Steampunk!! Yay!!