I save my fortunes from fortune cookies and I thought I would recycle them into a fun little daily surprise on my August planner pages.
I punched tiny square envelopes and a tiny rectangle envelopes out of a variety of pretty scrapbook papers.
I laid them out on the planner pages alternating rows of square and rectangle tiny paper envelopes.
After gluing the envelopes together with a bit of glue stick I then taped them along the top edge with a variety of Designer Choice GoWashi tapes on each day of the month. I then folded each of my recycled fortune cookie fortunes and placed them in each envelope. I bet it will be fun to open one up each day.
I plan on reversing this process and each day put an accomplishment of the day in each envelope. Another idea is to write a quote each day and slip it in the envelope.
Here is a scan of some of my fotunes for you to download if you don’t have a stash of your own:
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