Giveaway: Lillian Too’s 168 Ways to Declutter Your Home and Re-energize your Life
Leave a comment in today’s post by July 14, 2016 and you are in the running for this book packed full of tips to organize your home and life.
Open to U.S. residents only please.
“Clear the clutter and revitalize your living space. Energy is a precious commodity–the source of vitality, good relationships, and peace of mind. The 168 techniques in this practical guide show how physical clutter is more than just junk–the debris in our home actually creates mental and spiritual blocks to success. When this is cleared, we get the balance back in life, plus a whole range of new opportunities. The book begins with energy basics and practical de-junking suggestions, such as how to clear your desk to create success or rearrange your living room for harmonious relationships, and then presents step-by-step cleansing and revitalization rituals to recharge your home’s atmosphere. The rituals show how to use crystals, salt, rice grains, herbs, incense, flower petals, fragrant water, and amazing visualization techniques to enhance and protect your environment. Chapters on using mystic symbols, such as geometric mantra designs, and magnifying spiritual energy, complete the clutter journey. A section on personalized practices gives inspiring, fast solutions for those bad days: closet-clearing when you feel unattractive, or rearranging your desk when you feel defeated. All rituals and techniques have been personally tried and tested by Lillian Too, and have brought her great personal success.”
I would love to have this wonderful and informative book.
What a great book to have. Joan
Oh boy, do I need this book! π Thanks for the chance to win!
This book…is exactly what I need to revitalize my spirit, infuse my creative energies and make my home a haven! I really need it.
I need this! Great giveaway-Thank you
I don’t know anyone who needs this book more then I do. I would definitely benefit from decluttering, organising, and reducing! Thanks for the great giveaway.
I soooooooo need to declutter! Please pick me. π
Great book for my husband to read. I think he is the most unorganized person so he needs all the help he can get. :}
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity
I really need all the help I can get for decluttering. This book sounds very helpful.
Moved to a smaller house and boy do I need this book!
Cool book! We can all use some help decluttering, especially me!
It’s a great premise….toe’s we get all this stuff anyway
My family would think they were in the wrong house if there was any decluttering!!!
Have lived in the same house for 38 years. I sew, knit, crochet and bead. You can just imagine the “stuff”. A well needed book!
This book sounds wonderful – I really need lessons in decluttering.
I could use a lesson on how to unclutter my home and destash my clay!
I need this book. My clutter is depressing me and I need a jump start to get organized fast!
I am in dire need of decluttering and getting organized.
Help!!! My life is so cluttered with things I think I can not live without. How can I give up things I love in order to declutter?
Wow!!! After visiting with my son and family, I am unable to deal with all the clutter in my house. I really need help…their house is so lovely….even with 5 children under the age of 11
I need to get organized and think this book would be very helpful!
I’m going to look for this book on my kindle. Boy oh boy do I need some good ideas on how to de clutter! I have such a hard time on what to keep and what to give away.
After raising 2 kids, our home is in need of de-cluttering. My husband tends to “keep” stuff, so this book would be a great kick-start to the job of making our lives simpler and cleaner.
I really really need Lillian Too’s book!!
Always could use more open space and positive energies.
This would be great to have.
I can’t even imagine how I would find time to do the 168 ways however the book sounds very positive. Have my tween daughters read it with me and have partners!!
I need this so badly! Moved into a much smaller home and need to pare down and De-clutter ssssooooo badly!
Downsizing and this would be the encouragement that I need.
This book would be a great asset to me. After watching my poor son have to go through all of the belongings of his grandparents after their death. I promised him I would begin the downsizing of my “things.” He suffered through that exercise so much, I just would like him not to have to go there again.
With three kids and chaos I need this book!
I NEED this book. I am moving and want to have a de-cluttered new pace. Thanks
oh man do I need to get decluttered with a sick husband and five year old and me with no energy to do much.. yes I need this. thanks for sharing
Declutter? Re-energize? I’m your girl!
A lot of ‘decluttering’ is common sense… if you have not used it in a year it probably needs to be removed from the house. But, revitalizing a decluttered home is a different story. The Feng Shui principles sound fascinating.
I really really need Lillian Tooβs book!!
This books looks amazing! And I, being the Queen of Clutter, could REALLY use some help. Thanks for the chance to win, CraftGossip!
I really really need this!
lag110 at yahoo dot com
We have moved 4 times in 3.5 years. Needless to say, we could use some great decluttering ideas. A lot of our lives are in boxes, but I haven’t been through them because I “can’t” get rid of the items inside. A little encouragement may go a long way!
I could use this book!
Wonderful of you to
give it away, hoping
I win.
Carla from Utah
Pick me please. I need this kind of help!!
I peaked at the book on Amazon. Looks like a great read.
I would love to have this book it would be very helpful to me at this time in my life.
I could use this book. I may buy it if I don’t win it! I’m in the process of moving, and I would really love to start from scratch – no more clutter, and more energy to boot!
With the death of my husband, I am in need of all the help I can get to get the house back in order.
I could sure use this book! My daughter says I am on the verge of being a hoarder in my craft room. I could certainly use some great tips on organizing my craft room.
I can’t let go! I can find a reason to keep almost everything for myself, relatives, friends, etc.
Thank you for the giveaway. I have been working at simplifying and decluttering, but could use help!
If I could send you pictures you would see why I need to win this book!
OMG! This sounds like just what I need! Thanks for bringing it to muy attention and for the chance to win it.
Wow an answer to my prayers! Perfect timing as well!!!