Micol (pronounced “Michael” and rhymes with “recycle” ) Day of recyclemicol offers a great tutorial on transforming greeting cards (or cardstock you have on hand) into pillow gift boxes that would make Martha proud. Be sure to check out her other projects, mostly yarn goodies, including these delightfully spherical baby booties she made from her own handspun yarn.
Micol, a wife and mother of two who keeps busy as a homeschooler and creator of all arts and crafts, hopes to “one day travel as an Ambassador of America’s Arts and Crafts Revival to people in many countries, bringing back the techniques of the world’s more ‘endangered crafts.’ ” What a great goal!
[tags]pillow box, gift box, Christmas packaging, wrapping[/tags]
Thanks for the mention, Alissa! This is a lovely site. I’ll be sure to frequent it!